Management at in-ADME Research
Alex Avdeef, PhD, FAAPS Internationally-recognized expert in solution chemistry (128 publications, 6 patents, 4 books, over 10,083 citations. Over 40 years: teaching, researching, & developing methods, instruments, & analysis software for measurement of ionization constants (pKa), solubility (practically-insoluble molecules), dissolution (small-volume, mechanistic, pH-dependent), & permeability (pH-dependent PAMPA, cell-culture, & animal models).
- Fellow of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientist (2014-)
- Visiting Senior Research Scientist at King's College London (2014-)
- Founded in-ADME Research (USA) in 2011
- Co-founded pION INC (USA) in 1996 & Sirius Analytical (UK) in 1989
- Chemistry professor (1978-1983), Syracuse University (USA)
- Scientific designer/programmer of the ORION960 Autochemistry System - Launched in 1984 and still being sold by ThermoFisher today, an unprecedentent longevity in the scientific instruments world
- Over 128 technical publications in primary scientific journals & chapters in books; over 300 invited lectures
- Author of Absorption and Drug Development Second Edition, Wiley, Hoboken, May 2012, 744 pages
- 6 patents in the ADME instrumentation/tools
- Active technical-journal peer reviewer
- SBIR Phase I&II Grants 1R43MH075211-01 NIH/NIMH (2007-2010): Fast Biomimetic Phospholipid Assay for Modeling Brain Perfusion Kinetics of Drugs
- NIH study section (2009): Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Neurobiological Small Bus. Applications
- Organizer of PAMPA2002 - the First International Conference on PAMPA (San Francisco)
- Advisory Board, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Scientific Advisory Board, logP2004 & logP2009 - The Third & Fourth Lipophilicity Symposia (Switzerland); Scientific & Organizing Committee: World Conf. on Physicochemical Methods in Drug Discovery & Development (Croatia)
Forty Years of Instrument Design Experience
World's first autotrator driven by a microcomputer - used to study binding of actinides by chelating
agents. UC Berkeley, c.1976. Programmed in Livermore BASIC assembler, using a paper tape reader.
World's first microcomputerized protein titrator - used to study metalothionein binding of
cadmium. Syracuse University, c. 1979. Programmed in Microsoft's FORTRAN compiler
run on the CPM operating system. Pictured is Dr. Jerry Zabronsky.
World's first multiple known addition autotitrator, the ORION960. Orion
Research, c. 1984. Programmed in C compiler and assembly language.
The ORION960 is still being sold by ThermoFisher.
World's first commercial pKa analyzer. Sirius Analytical Instruments Ltd., c. 1992.
Programmed in C compiler and assembly language. Predecessor of the Sirius
GLpKa and T3 instruments.
World's first potentiometric solubility analyzer - the Gemini Profiler. pION INC, c. 1997.
Programmed in Visual C++. Uses the automated dissolution template titration method.